About Us

About Us

Persistent  is a Billing and Management Company focused on the development, implantation and management of Workers Compensation and Personal Injury claims.

The reason for this focus is due to the challenge within Workers Compensation and Personal Injury, where it is not as simple as  submitting bills.  We have an entire division that is focused solely on claim verification, follow ups, obtaining proper documentation and rebilling so no bill gets lost or forgotten.

Persistent lives and breathes in the workers compensation and personal injury arena and will not rest until each claim is paid in full.

Mission Statement:

At Persistent Billing we know we are entrusted with an important responsibility by our clients that we do not take lightly.

We work daily to create excellent outcomes for our clients—in, not only, the returns on their investments, but also in the quality of our relationship, and our responsibility in understanding our market segment as experts.  Before anything else, we are committed to this excellence. Maintaining these extremely high standards is vital to company and to the clients we serve.


Physician Point of Care Services:

  • Physician Dispensing
  • Mail Order Pharmacy Services
  • Laboratory Testing Program

Laboratory Billing:

  • Workers Compensation Billing & Collection Services

Other Products:

  • Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (PENS)